
August 29, 2011 § Leave a comment

So Dylan has always been a ridiculously easy baby, he started sleeping through the night around 8 months. Before that he only woke up twice a night. Easy. He had a few nights of sleep regression, and we are currently in a very nightmarish situation. I *think* his molars are coming in. I don’t know for sure, he doesn’t have a fever but he does have a runny nose and is fighting sleep like a prize fighter.

 When we transitioned from rocking to sleep and just putting him down saying I love you and walking out we would put him in the crib and then lay next to the crib on the floor. The first few nights it took about an hour, after that gradually it went down to 15 minutes, and finally we were able to just walk out (about a week total). We have been doing this for about a year now. Perfect. But THIS entire situation has thrown me for a bit of a loop.

Last night we walked out and it was an absolute meltdown, we tried going in every 5 minutes or so because with him already being a mucousy mess we had to have him blow his nose otherwise the drainage may cause a sore throat, so we tried the laying next to him, wasn’t working. We walked out. Daniel and I were in bed talking about how we would just have to go in and lay next to him but before we were able to THUMP. The loudest thump ever. I felt immediate panic, and oh the extreme guilt, he had fallen out of his crib. We ran in and calmed him down, checked for injuries then put him back in his crib, and layed on the floor next to him. I let Daniel take first shift, about 30 minutes (Dylan was still crying the entire time), then I went in and after about 15 he was finally out. At around 1:30 he woke himself up because he couldn’t breath through his nose and his throat was dry, we gave him some water and had him blow his nose. Nosebleed ensued. It was very minor, we finally were all able to go to sleep. This morning he woke up late, around 1045. He seems happy, but looks pretty tired.

I am at work this afternoon I really hope my mother in law is able to get him down for a nap because I don’t want to deal with the over exhausted monster tonight. My poor child, I wish I knew what would make this easier. Right now I’m grasping for solutions and this is only day 1 of this, I hope it is day 1 and done.

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